How to translate labels in symfony2 forms with messages.en.yml?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-11-28 21:11:58

i had to explicitly set the translation domain


   'translation_domain' => 'fooo'

in case of

In symfony 3.1 You don't need to pass translator to form type constructor. It will be translated automatically by form field name like this:

Controller action:

$form = $this->createForm(LoginType::class);

FormType class:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            TextType::class, ['label_format' => '%name%',]

And your translations file (yml):

username: Your translation for username field

Hope it will help someone:)

Add translation in form for is best idea - because found if in twig much more easy

{% trans_default_domain 'YourNameBundle' %}

{{'shot.tag.for.transle'|trans }}

also you must remember about translation file in your bundle, if you extend bundle from another (example - you extends FosUserBundle) you can take translate from this bundle or use func trans with params

{{'shot.tag.for.transle'|trans({}, 'TranslationNameBundle') }}

Have a nice localisation.

Let say you want to translate into French. Then you have filename.en.xlf and

now for the following form element you want to make description translatable.

    array('label' => 'form.description', 'required' => false)

so in the filename.en.xlf

<trans-unit id="17">

and for French, so in the as below

<trans-unit id="17">
    <target>fr descrip</target>

hope this will help for someone
