Help catching StackOverflowException with WinDbg and ADPlus

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-28 20:37:58

Just in case this might help someone else, below is the ADPlus config file I came up with. Looking at it now, I'm not sure that !runaway has any effect. Attached when an ASP.NET app that throws a StackOverflowException is running, this will generate "1st chance StackOverflow full" and "1st chance Process Shut Down full" .dmp files in the specified OutputDir. Open the first file with Windbg, and run ".loadby sos mscorwks" followed by "!clrstack" to see what might be causing the stack overflow.

        av = AccessViolation
        ch = InvalidHandle
        ii = IllegalInstruction
        dz =  IntegerDivide
        c000008e = FloatingDivide
        iov = IntegerOverflow
        lsq = InvalidLockSequence
        sov = StackOverflowException
        eh = CPlusPlusEH
        * = UnknownException
        clr = NET_CLR
        bpe = CONTRL_C_OR_Debug_Break
        ld = DLL_Load
        ud = DLL_UnLoad
        epr = Process_Shut_Down
        sbo = Stack_buffer_overflow
        G = go
        GN = go unhandled exception
        GH = go handled exception
        Q = quit
        QD = quit and detach
   <!-- Add log entry, log faulting thread stack and dump full on first chance StackOverflow -->
        <!-- This is for the stack buffer overflow exception -->
        <!-- Use sov for stack overflow exception -->
       <Code> sbo </Code>
       <Actions1> Log;Stack;FullDump </Actions1>
       <!-- Depending on what you intend - either stop the debugger (Q or QQ) or continue unhandled (GN) -->
       <ReturnAction1> GN </ReturnAction1>
     < Config>

Save that in stackoverflow.cfg
Then you can go:

adplus -c stackoverflow.cfg

Edit: both sov and sbo are stack overflow exceptions. I guess one needs to experiment with both since it is not quite clear to me what the difference between the two is. (might sbo denote an invalid alloca() call?)
