How to set up Hierarchical Zend Rest Routes?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-28 18:59:08

AFAIK, there is no feature in Zend_Rest_Route which allows you to do something like this. There is a proposal but not sure when it'll be implemented. You can add this in your Bootstrap to set up this custom route.

$front = $this->getResource('FrontController'); 
$testRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
        'controller' => 'users',
        'action' => 'item',
        'module' => 'default'

$front->getRouter()->addRoute('test', $testRoute);

user_id or item_id become available in itemAction in UsersController as parameters:

$user_id = $this->_request->getParam('user_id');

I open sourced the solution into github and as a composer package. see

I added a new class which extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route and adds abiliy to add custom restful routes, such as

$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$frontController->getRouter()->addRoute('users-messages', new Application_Rest_Controller_Route($frontController, 'users/:user_id/messages', ['controller' => 'users-messages']));

Zend_Rest_Route maps the first parameter after the controller name to 'id' only when there is 1 parameter.

Best solution I've come up with is to subclass Zend_Rest_Route and override the match() function. Copy Zend_Rest_Route's match function, but add the following just before the "Digest URI Params" comment (about 60 lines in).

if($pathElementCount > 1 && $path[0] != 'id') {
    $params['id'] = urldecode($path[0]);

That should give you the functionality you're looking for.
