I have objects like this:
students = {name: 'Aa_Student', class: 'A_Class'},
{name: 'Ab_Student', class: 'A_Class'},
{name: 'Ac_Student', class: 'B_Class'},
{name: 'Ba_Student', class: 'B_Class'},
{name: 'Bb_Student', class: 'C_Class'},
{name: 'Bc_Student', class: 'C_Class'}
Let's say the students object is shuffled. I use ng-repeat to show the data. I want to sort the objects in the custom order.
For example, I want to show the data like this:
Name Class
Ac_Student B_Class
Ba_Student B_Class
Aa_Student A_Class
Ab_Student A_Class
Bb_Student C_Class
Bc_Student C_Class
So basically, I want to order by student's class, but it B_Class comes first, then A_Class, then C_Class. Also, I want to order by students name in alphabetic order. How can I do this?
<tr ng-repeat="student in students | orderBy:customOrder">
$scope.customOrder = function(student) {
$scope.students = $filter('orderBy')(student, function() {
Hi you can create custom sort filter please see here http://jsbin.com/lizesuli/1/edit
<p ng-repeat="s in students |customSorter:'class'">{{s.name}} - {{s.class}} </p>
angularjs filter:
app.filter('customSorter', function() {
function CustomOrder(item) {
switch(item) {
case 'A_Class':
return 2;
case 'B_Class':
return 1;
case 'C_Class':
return 3;
return function(items, field) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
filtered.sort(function (a, b) {
return (CustomOrder(a.class) > CustomOrder(b.class) ? 1 : -1);
return filtered;
Know this is old but may come in handy for others...
You could also create a simple custom sort function. "Not quite a filter":
$scope.customOrder = function (item) {
switch (item) {
case 'A_Class':
return 2;
case 'B_Class':
return 1;
case 'C_Class':
return 3;
And then use like you wanted to:
<tr ng-repeat="student in students | orderBy:customOrder">
to set the orderBy
as a property of the objects just quote that property name within the markup:
ng-repeat="student in students |orderBy:'name' | orderBy:'class'"