SciPy optimization with grouped bounds

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-28 18:30:04

Not totally sure I understand, but I think you can add the following as another constraint:

def w_opt(W):
    def filterer(x):
        v = x.range.values
        tp = v[0]
        lower, upper = tp
        return lower <= x[column_name].sum() <= upper
    return not W.groupby(level=0, axis=0).filter(filterer).empty

c_ = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': w_opt}  # add this to your other constraints

where x.range is the interval (tuple) repeated K[i] times where K is the number of times a particular level occurs and i is the ith level. column_name in your case happens to be a date.

This says constrain the weights such that the sum of the weights in the ith group is between the associated tuple interval.

To map each of the level names to an interval do this:

intervals = [(.08,.51), (.05,.21), (.05,.41), (.05,.41), (.2,.66), (0,.16), (0,.76), (0,.11)]
names = ['equity', 'intl_equity', 'bond', 'intl_bond', 'commodity', 'pe', 'hf', 'cash']

mapper = Series(zip(names, intervals))
fully_mapped = mapper[init_weights.get_level_values(0)]
original_dataset['range'] = fully_mapped.values

After much time this seems to be the only solution that fits...

def solve_weights(Rt, b_ = None):

    W = np.ones(len(Rt.columns)) / len(Rt.columns)
    if  b_ is None:
        b_ = [(0.01, 1.0) for i in Rt.columns]
        c_ = ({'type':'eq', 'fun': lambda W: sum(W) - 1})
        covar = Rt.cov()
        c_ = ({'type':'eq', 'fun': lambda W: sum(W) - 1},
              {'type':'eq', 'fun': lambda W: sqrt(,, W)) * 252) - risk_tgt})

    optimized = opt.minimize(fitness, W, args = [Rt], method='SLSQP', constraints=c_, bounds=b_)  

    if not optimized.success: 
        raise ValueError(optimized.message)

   return optimized.x  # Return optimized weights

class_cont = Rt.ix[0].copy()
class_cont.ix[:] = np.around(np.hstack(Rt.groupby(axis=1, level=0).apply(solve_weights).values),3)
scalars = class_cont.groupby(level=0).sum()
scalars.ix[:] = np.around(solve_weights((class_cont * port_rets).groupby(level=0, axis=1).sum(), list(model['tactical'].values)),3)

class_cont.groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x * scalars[])