ReSharper color identifiers screw up with Visual Studio 2012 dark theme

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-28 16:12:23

I had this same problem with vs2013 and resharper 8. I was able to fix by following these steps:

  1. Close all Visual Studio instances
  2. Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio {VS version}\Common7\IDE\Extensions\extensions.configurationchanged file
  3. Type anything there
  4. Save the file
  5. Open VS and check Fonts and Colors in Tools | Options | Environment


I had the same problem too in VS2013, unfortunately editing the configurationchanged file didn't work for me. However I fixed it by doing the following:

  1. deleting the following registry key:


  2. Run devenv /ResetSettings from VS 2013 admin command prompt

By diffing our system information, I noticed three add-ins I had my colleague didn't (JetBrains TeamCity Addin 7.1, VisualSVN 3.0.5 and Git Extensions).

Trying to disable them one by one I found out the culprit is the add-in for TeamCity: as soon as I uninstalled it (it's not reported in Visual Studio, and you can't disable it) the color scheme fixed itself.

The funny thing is both ReSharper and the TeamCity add-ins are provided by JetBrains.

It is a known bug in TeamCity Addin installer. It was fixed in 7.1.5 version. Please, look at related issue in our tracker and 7.1.5 release notes.

I use a custom dark theme in Visual Studio 2010 and probably about 75% of the time when I first open a solution up, ReSharper 7.1.1 does exactly the same thing as in your "unreadable" image. I mean, the colors look exactly like that.

I have tested this across several computers with no plug-ins except ReSharper, and with various other plug-ins and no matter what, I get this all of the time. I do not have TeamCity Addin at all and never have.

Anyway, in case anyone is looking for a solution, this fixes it: Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts & Colors > Ok. That's it. Even no changes causes it to refresh and display properly. I can't prevent it, but this fixes it and is the first step I do pretty much every time I open VS2010.

Hope this helps someone.

I use VS2013 and had the same problem. In my case the culprit was the PowerShell Tools extension, after uninstalling it the color scheme went back to a sane state.
