The guides I've read so far on Git say that I should go into the config and specify my name and my e-mail address. They don't elaborate; they just say to do it.
Why does Git need my e-mail address? And, more importantly, if I make my repo publicly available, via GitHub for example, will my e-mail address be visible to everyone (including spambots)?
Git uses your email address to identify you, as well as do other tasks (such as sign a tag with a GPG key). Your email address does get embedded as part of your identity in commit logs, etc., along with the name you specify. For example, the "author" field in a commit log would show up as:
Author: Joe White <>
So the information is available to anyone with a copy of the repo, since it acts as an identifier.
Your email probably won't be visible to spambots, though, unless you use Gitweb, or a service like GitHub, to make your repo available through a web interface (merely putting it on the Internet doesn't do this).
I suppose you could fill in a fake email address or use an empty string or space or something (I don't think Git checks the format or validity of the email), but the email is useful if someone who clones the repo needs to send you a patch or contact you in some way.
Update April 2017
See "Private emails, now more private"
GitHub has supported using an alternate "noreply" email address to author web-based commits for a while now. Starting today, there's another way to ensure you don't inadvertently publish your email address when pushing commits to GitHub via the command line.
Git uses your email address to associate your name to any commits you author. Once you push your commits to a public repository on GitHub, the authorship metadata is published as well.
If you'd like to ensure you don't accidentally publish your email address, simply check the "Keep my email address private" and "Block command line pushes that expose my email" options in your email settings.
Note: as commented below by orev, Git doesn't expose anything. GitHub, a Git repositories hosting service, might.
The place where you are pushing your local Git repo can expose metadata.
Note: Starting August, 9th 2013, you now can keep your email address private!
That is for web-based GitHub operations though: the commits still contain an email address, which could or could not be the same than the one used for your GitHub account.
See below to "mask" that (git commit) email too.
Until today, all web-based GitHub Flow used your primary email address. This includes creating, editing, and deleting files, as well as merging pull requests.
But now you can keep your email address private. To do so, visit your email settings page:
With this turned on, web-based operations will use a email address.
If you want to hide your email made from your computer, GitHub now allows you to register different email addresses: see this guide.
You still need to configure your (fake) email in your local repo before pushing back to GitHub, if you want your commits to reflect
git config --global "user@server.fake" # Set email to slightly changed value
git config --global # Verify the setting
# user@server.fake
- Go to the Emails setting menu
- Click "Add another email address"
- Enter the fake email (e.g. "
") and click "Add"
Note that:
This setting only affects future commits.
If you want to erase your real email address from your repository's commit history, you will have to rewrite your old commits. The easiest way to do this is to:Use
git filter-branch
to rewrite the repository history and Force-push the new history up.
GitHub has a help article called Keeping your email address private, which begins:
Git requires you to identify yourself in order to make commits, but you can hide your contact information by using a fake address. Git itself doesn't care if the email is valid.
Good to know: Although Git does not care, some projects might not accept contributions from you if your commits do not have a valid email address, so you will want to research your project's contribution policies before following these instructions.
GitHub does not get many reports of spam being sent to Git commit email addresses, but if you are worried about it, this guide should help you address those concerns.
The guide contains steps how to configure both Git and GitHub to use a fake address.
Yes, the above answers are correct ... except you want to typically have the same email address for all your projects then you would use the command:
git config --global ""
You can also edit the .gitconfig file in your home directory, in the user section.
You can specify a different email for a particular project by doing the same command without the global option.
Also, I suggest that you can obfuscate your email if the submits are going to a public area:
As an example.
Yes, your email address (as specified in git config
) will be visible in web interfaces like GitWeb. Also everybody can learn your email address by cloning your repository though this is probably still far beyond spambots. Nobody forces you to use a real email address, though. Git will automatically set a constructed email address if none is given. On my machine without
it shows commits by “Foo <foo@daughter.(none)>”.
You can retroactively change the author name, email etc. BEWARE that doing the following can corrupt your history.
git filter-branch --env-filter '
if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "" ]
cn="Your New Committer Name"
cm="Your New Committer Email"
if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "" ]
an="Your New Author Name"
am="Your New Author Email"
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$an"
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$am"
Taken from here
GitHub has a help section about setting your email address.
Specifically it says:
Good to know: You don't have to give a valid email. If you're concerned about spam, use a fake email instead. is a common practice.
Millions of GitHub commit emails: extracted from GitHub Archives exports commit.
GitHub Archive gets data from GitHub's events API: and exports it to Google BigQuery hourly which makes it easier to query.
Emails are shown on events of type PushEvent
I don't think commit emails show anywhere on GitHub's web interface, so any collection is limited by the API rate limiting. TODO: how much time to collect 1M emails via API from scratch.
Practical way to get someone's commit email with the API
ghmail() { curl "$1/events/public" | grep email; }
ghmail cirosantilli
or visit:
There are also:
- apps for that:
- more advanced scripts for that: