Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-11-28 15:35:35


Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014?

In SSMS 2012, if I go to tools, it showed up in the list. In SSMS 2014, it doesn't.

I tried to run the installer again, and it gave me options to repair or uninstall. I had the formatter installed prior to installing 2014.

EDIT: The tool is available here.


Create the folder

%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\12.0\Addins\

if it does not exist. Then just copy the file from:

%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\Addins\PoorMansTSqlFormatterSSMSAddIn.AddIn


%SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\12.0\Addins\PoorMansTSqlFormatterSSMSAddIn.AddIn


UPDATE: more than three years later, this support has finally been added.

Download page is still for now.


With the permission of the PoorMans Formatter developer we have integrated it in our add-in "SSMSBoost". Recent version of SSMSBoost supports SSMS 2014, so you can use it to use Poor Man's formatter features. We have already developerd our own formatting engine, but have left "Poor Man's formatter" for backward compatibility, for those users, used to it. You will find it in formatter-styles drop-down as "Old fashioned formatting style".


No, it has not been updated yet.

As of 2014-04-25 the most recent built is from 2013-10-23, version 1.5.3.


Since I hadn't installed the plug-in on my new machine with 2014 I went a head and tried. It does not work on my fresh install, but does still on the side-by-side 2012.

