Mockito when() doesn't differentiate between child classes

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-28 14:23:24
Jeff Bowman

Despite what it would mean when read in English, in Mockito 1.x, any(HttpGet.class) matches any value and not just any HttpGet. The parameter is only used to save a cast previous to Java 8.

From the Matchers.any(Class) documentation:

Matches any object, including nulls

This method doesn't do type checks with the given parameter, it is only there to avoid casting in your code. This might however change (type checks could be added) in a future major release.

Use isA(HttpGet.class) and isA(HttpPost.class) instead, and see Brice's comment below about future changes to the any(Class<?> clazz) matcher.
