JQuery.getJSON() reading a local file

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-28 13:48:13

If you are using Google Chrome, it is intentional that AJAX on file:/// paths never works.


This is because you're running your web files directly from your hard drive. There are various pitfalls in this, one of which you have found. Ideally you want to be working in a server environment, even locally. You can install a (free) local LAMP server such as XAMPP. Then, you'll be able to use local AJAX.


It's not about path

It's a cross-domain problem

Basically you need to add a callback in your URL, so that jQuery can automatically change the request type from json to jsonp

See this post for detail

An alternative to installing a local LAMP server is to use python's simple HTTP server. As long as you have python installed, just open up bash and use the python interpreter.

For python 2 use:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

For python 3 use:

python -m http.server 8000

Then just point your browser at localhost:8000 and you shouldn't have any trouble accessing the file if it's in the same directory.
