Pass current scope to modalInstance when using controllerAs syntax

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-28 13:22:16

I need to open a modalInstace that shares the same scope as the current controller.

Modal service creates inherited scope. And

var modalInstance = ${
  templateUrl: 'addEditModal.html',
  scope: $scope

does not inject the scope but specifies parent scope for modal controller (otherwise root scope will be used as the parent).

Since controllerAs was used on parent controller, modal controller will have access to inherited vm object on its scope.

Not sure If I understood correctly, but I got it working by passing/injecting the current 'controllerAs' in the resolve parameter

var modalInstance = ${
      templateUrl: 'addEditModal.html',
      controller: 'AudioItemAddEditCtrl as vm',
      resolve: {
        parent: function(){
            return vm

And then, in the AudioItemAddEditCtrl...

var AudioItemAddEditCtrl = function(parent, AudioItemService, $ModalInstance) {

Then I'm able to use 'parent' to access the parent controller scope directly.

Hope this helps someone else.
