Speed up sampling of kernel estimate

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-28 12:11:36

Probably the easiest way to speed this up is to parallelize kernel(sample):

Taking this code fragment:

tik = time.time()
insample = kernel(sample) < iso
print 'filter/sample: ', time.time()-tik
#filter/sample:  1.94065904617

Change this to use multiprocessing:

from multiprocessing import Pool
tik = time.time()

#Create definition.
def calc_kernel(samp):
    return kernel(samp)

#Choose number of cores and split input array.
cores = 4
torun = np.array_split(sample, cores, axis=1)

pool = Pool(processes=cores)
results = pool.map(calc_kernel, torun)

#Reintegrate and calculate results
insample_mp = np.concatenate(results) < iso

print 'multiprocessing filter/sample: ', time.time()-tik
#multiprocessing filter/sample:  0.496874094009

Double check they are returning the same answer:

print np.all(insample==insample_mp)

A 3.9x improvement on 4 cores. Not sure what you are running this on, but after about 6 processors your input array size is not large enough to get considerably gains. For example using 20 processors its only about 5.8x faster.

The claim in the comments section of this article (link below) is

"SciPy’s gaussian_kde doesn’t use FFT, while there is a statsmodels implementation that does"

…which is a possible cause of the observed poor performance. It goes on to report orders of magnitude improvement using FFT. See @jseabold's reply.


Disclaimer: I have no experience with statsmodels or scipy.
