I am trying to pass an array of int but I can not get the value in the webapi method
var postData = { "deletedIds": deletedIds };
type: "DELETE",
traditional: true,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
url: "/api/Management/Models",
data: JSON.stringify(postData),
success: ModelDeleted,
error: ModelNotDeleted
and in apiController :
public bool DeleteModel(int[] deletedIds)
return modelsRepository.DeleteModels(deletedIds);
Your code looking pretty Ok to me. Please define structure of "deletedIds" object. one suggestion is to Use new Array() object to initialize deletedIds property and remove JSON.stringify() . A similar question asked here.
Web API supports parsing content data in a variety of ways, but it does not deal with multiple posted content values. A solution for your problem could be to create a ViewModel with a property of int[] type. Like code below,
public class SimpleViewModel
public int[] deletedIds{ get; set; }
public bool DeleteModel(SimpleViewModel deletedIds)
return modelsRepository.DeleteModels(deletedIds.deletedIds);
and use it as parameter type.
At last, based on @Shashank Answer it worked and the code modified as :
var deletedIds = new Array();
var postData = { "DeletedIds": deletedIds };
type: "Delete",
traditional: true,
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
url: "/api/Management/Models",
data: postData,
success: ModelDeleted,
error: ModelNotDeleted
and the apiController :
public bool DeleteModels(DeleteViewModel dvm)
return modelsRepository.DeleteModels(dvm.DeletedIds);
and for the DeleteViewModel :
public class DeleteViewModel
public int[] DeletedIds { get; set; }
I suspect that the stringify bit is messing up your object - have you tried assigning it to a variable to see if it's the expected formatting?
You're stringifying the whole thing at the moment:
{ "deletedIds": deletedIds }
while what you probably want to send as post body is this:
{ "deletedIds": JSON.stringify(deletedIds) }