I have a log4net ado appender writing to a SQL Server database. I like it, I think it's neat. Before I send it into production, I want to know what the behaviour will be if the database goes down.
I don't want the application to stop because the logging database is unavailable. I am presuming that log4net will just silently fail and not do anything, at least that's what I'm hoping. Can anyone confirm this or (better) point me to some documentation that will confirm this?
The appender (like all log4net appenders that I am aware of) will fail silently and thus stop logging. You can configure the appender to try to reconnect though:
<reconnectonerror value="True" />
In that case you probably want to specify a connection time out in your db connection string:
Connect Timeout=1
If you do not do that your application will be very slow if the db is offline.
If in .Net 4.5.1 or later you will also have to set ConnectRetryCount=0;
in your connection string.
Appender Configuration:
<ReconnectOnError value="true" />
<connectionString value="...Connect Timeout=1;ConnectRetryCount=0;" />
If you do Async logging like Log4Net.Async then Connect Timeout may be left at default 15 seconds.
.Net 4.5.1 adds ADO.NET connection resiliency which tells Log4Net the connection is still open even though it isn't and attempts to reconnect using ConnectRetryCount. However since we want to let Log4Net do the reconnecting and ConnectRetryCount has a max of 255 we should set ConnectRetryCount to 0. Source: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LOG4NET-442 https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2013/06/26/announcing-the-net-framework-4-5-1-preview/
using reconnectonerror will surely enable you to start logging again once the DB server is available, but the intermediate log messages, while the server was down, will be lost. I think log4Net doesn't have any provision to persist the messages util the DB server is available.