I have loaded a workbook into R and read in the worksheets using xlConnect, but I was wondering if there was a way of extracting the names of the sheets perhaps in a vector?
So far my code is:
lst = readWorksheet(dataIn, sheet = getSheets(dataIn), startRow=1, startCol=1, header=TRUE)
...and I want to extract the sheet names of the sheets in lst
You are looking for getSheets
Returns all worksheet names in a workbook.
Another really nice package developed by the folks at RStudio is readxl
. It's easy to get the excel sheet names with the excel_sheets()
path <- "path/to/your/file.xlsx"
excel_sheets(path = path)
soubhagya laxmi Tripathy
dataIn <-loadWorkbook(file.path(filenames[1], sep=""))
sheet <- getsheets(dataIn)
To get the 1st sheet use sheet[1]