Cordova/Phonegap Android target: not installed [Android Studio Installed]

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 09:20:08

Facing exactly the same error, I encountered this answer on

As easy as that.

I had the problem on Mac, so I did download the SDK tools373, copy-paste it in /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk, and it worked instantly.

But I absolutly don't know what causes the issue.

And I don't know what causes the issue either, but it helped me and everything works as expected.

Anton Shevchuk

Facing with same error. Maybe this info will be helpful.

In the latest Android SDK Tools (v25.3.1), the android command no longer operates as expected and instead exits with a non-zero status code and provides a message telling folks to use the sdkmanager and avdmanager commands.

try to execute android in terminal if it will return something like this:

The android command is no longer available.For manual SDK and AVD management, please use Android Studio.For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager

then you need to downgrade your SDK to v25.2.5 or less. Instruction can be found here
