HoloEverywhere error: build path contains duplicate entry src

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-28 07:31:42

This is how mine solved:

property->resource->Android, tick an Android build target then click OK

Had the same issue,

try this:

Just import it with the duplicate src error, then right click on the HoloeEverywhere library project and select properties. In properties select Android (on the left) and under Project Build Target check if the Target Name Android 4.2 (or whatever yours is) is checked. Mine wasn't. If you check it, it should fix the problem.

Both projects "HoloEverywhere" and "ActionBarSherlock" has name "library". So, you probably should rename them. Then import both projects (ignore HoloEverywhere error). Choose "Android option" in "HoloEverywhere" project properties. Remove all bad references and add new reference to "ActionBarSherlock" project library.

To fix this you have to right click on the project name on the left hand side and choose properties, then choose Android and add a tick to the Build target e.g Android 4.0, don't forget to apply and click ok afterwards.

Right Click on the HoloEverywhere project, go to Android, in the Library section, removes the selected and them select the ActionBarSherlock library that already is in your workspace.

No obvious duplications in path and after hours of trying various suggestions, I change the target (in both the project properties and manifest) from 15 to 17 to solve this issue.

To fix it, open .classpath file in your project home directory and comment out any one of the following two lines

< classpathentrykind="src"path="onePath"/>
< classpathentrykind="src"path="anotherpath"/>

here one and another Paths are the paths that are referencing your library.

Then, right click the Project->Android Tools-> Fix Project Properties. Then clean and build your project.
