i have two views,one is aView,another is bView, there is a button on aView,i click the button ,i will jump to bView,please see the code
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
animation.delegate = self;
animation.duration = 0.25f;
animation.timingFunction = UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
animation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
animation.type = kCATransitionPush;
animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromTop;
[bView.view.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animation"];
it can not work well,it can jump,so what can i do?thanks
You forgot to actually add the view at the end...
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
animation.delegate = self;
animation.duration = 0.25f;
animation.timingFunction = UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut;
animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
animation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
animation.type = kCATransitionPush;
animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromTop;
[bView.view.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:@"animation"];
//add bView to current view
[self.view addSubview:bView];
Is there reason why you're not using UIView animation blocks? It's the recommended method for animations since iOS 4. Using UIView's transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: should work for you...
[UIView transitionFromView:aView
options: (UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut | UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCurlUp)
I used UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCurlUp as an example for the transition option, but you can choose any UIViewAnimationOption.