Why does Visual Studio not perform return value optimization (RVO) in this case

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-11-28 05:42:16

If the code looks like it should be optimized, but is not getting optimized I would submit bug here http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio or raise a support case with Microsoft. This article, although it is for VC++2005 (I couldn't find a current version of document) does explain some scenarios where it won't work. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms364057(v=vs.80).aspx#nrvo_cpp05_topic3

If we want to be sure the optimization has occurred, one possibility is to check the assembly output. This could be automated as a build task if desired.

This requires generating .asm output using /FAs option like so:

cl test.cpp /FAs

Will generate test.asm.

A potential example in PowerShell below, which can be used in this way:

PS C:\test> .\Get-RVO.ps1 C:\test\test.asm test.cpp
NOT RVO test.cpp - ; 13   :   return Foo(std::move(v));// Expecting RVO to happen here.

PS C:\test> .\Get-RVO.ps1 C:\test\test_v2.optimized.asm test.cpp
RVO OK test.cpp - ; 13   :   return {std::move(v)}; // Expecting RVO to happen here.

PS C:\test> 

The script:

# Usage Get-RVO.ps1 <input.asm file> <name of CPP file you want to check>
# Example .\Get-RVO.ps1 C:\test\test.asm test.cpp


$sr=New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($assemblyFilename)

while (!$sr.EndOfStream)

    # ignore any files that aren't our specified CPP file
    if ($line.StartsWith("; File"))
        if ($line.EndsWith($cppFilename))

    # check if we are in code section for our CPP file...
    if ($inFile)
        if ($line.StartsWith(";"))
            # mark start of "return" code
            # assume optimized, unti proven otherwise
            if ($line.Contains("return"))

        if ($IsInReturnSection)
            # call in return section, not RVO
            if ($line.Contains("call"))

            # check if we reached end of return code section
            if ($line.StartsWith("$") -or $line.StartsWith("?"))
                if ($optimized)
                    "RVO OK $cppfileName - $startLine"
                    "NOT RVO $cppfileName - $startLine"
