C# why is it skipping my console.readline()?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-28 02:24:42

It's because of your Console.Read() call in DisplayResults method. It generally reads just one character. If you press ENTER (which is actually combination of 2 characters - carriage return and line feed) on Console.Read() it only gets carriage return character, and line feed gets to your next console reading method - Console.ReadLine() in GetInput() method. Since line feed character is also a linux ENTER character, Console.ReadLine() reads it as one line.

Try changing the Console.Read() in your DisplayResults method to Console.ReadLine(). That seems to make everything behave as it should.

You said the second time round. Looking at your do-while loop, That would fall through because your variable inString is initialised and not empty.

Btw, usually safer to use

} while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inString));

than to directly compare to an empty string.
