What is the use of typecasting? Why is it required? Is it just to convert from one type to another?
The use of type casting can be whatever your program dims necessary. For instance, in The Doryen Library, the types exposed to the user (in header files) are all void*
. In the .c files they are cast to whatever is necessary, for instance to mersenne_t in the RNG toolkit. The use is obvious: mersenne_t struct contains fields that should never be messed with or even visible to the library user. Having just a TCOD_random_t type exposed to the library user results in a cleaner API.
Another example of type casting would be, for instance, rounding floats down:
float f = 1.5f;
int i = (int)f;
The above will output 1
You could use this to create a neat float rounding function:
float round(float f) {
f += (f>0.0f?0.5f:(-0.5f));
return (float)((int)f);
Typecasting is a compiler construct that indicates to the parser that even though the expected type and the actual type are different, the code generator should still be able to handle it.