Detect if any mouse button is being pressed, and if so, which one?

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-19 07:39:31


Basically, I want to query if any mouse button is being pressed and if so, which one. The problem is that I don't use a (constantly focused) UI environment. It is meant to be able to run in the background while the OS is focused on another window. I just have a Swing GUI set up for easy controlling.

How could I do this?

(By the way, I am trying to query it inside of a loop, so setting up an event listener wouldn't be efficient.)


As mentioned by others you would need to use JNA in order to hook into the operating systems native APIs. Lucky for you there is a great library that does just that jnativehook.

Here is some demo code which creates a Global Mouse Listener:

import GlobalScreen;
import NativeHookException;
import NativeMouseEvent;
import NativeMouseInputListener;

public class GlobalMouseListenerExample implements NativeMouseInputListener {
    public void nativeMouseClicked(NativeMouseEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Mouse Clicked: " + e.getClickCount());

    public void nativeMousePressed(NativeMouseEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Mouse Pressed: " + e.getButton());

    public void nativeMouseReleased(NativeMouseEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Mouse Released: " + e.getButton());

    public void nativeMouseMoved(NativeMouseEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Mouse Moved: " + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY());

    public void nativeMouseDragged(NativeMouseEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Mouse Dragged: " + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY());

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        catch (NativeHookException ex) {
            System.err.println("There was a problem registering the native hook.");


        // Construct the example object.
        GlobalMouseListenerExample example = new GlobalMouseListenerExample();

        // Add the appropriate listeners.

Also don't forget to read about thread safety when Working with Swing using the library mentioned.

