I'm trying to my first attempt at django file-uploading, and all i need at the moment is a way to display an uploaded image (png/jpg) to the user that uploaded.
No need to save it anywhere.
My views.py: (i'm using django forms, btw)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = UploadFileForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
upFile = request.FILES['upFile']
return render_to_response('upload2.html', f)
And i can, as expected, display the name and size of my file in the template, using {{ upFile.name }} and {{ upFile.size }}
Is there a way to load it/show it in the rendered template directly as an 'InMemoryUploadedFile', without going to effort of saving the files?
You can make a data URI out of the image data like this:
URI creation borrowed from http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2516/:
if form.is_valid():
upFile = request.FILES['upFile']
data = upFile.read()
encoded = b64encode(data)
mime = # the appropriate mimetype here, maybe "image/jpeg"
mime = mime + ";" if mime else ";"
f = {"upFile": "data:%sbase64,%s" % (mime, encoded)}
return render_to_response('upload2.html', f)
Then use it in the template:
<img src="{{ upFile }}">