I have data in a file in following format.
HEADER|ReportItem Name: Margin Ri.....
Account Id/Margin Id|Account Name|Ba...... // the row with headers
Data row 1
Data row 2
TRAILER|Record Count: 2
This is throwing an error - I believe due to fact there is a that row before the actual reader row.
using (var textReader = File.OpenText(path))
var csv = new CsvReader(textReader);
csv.Configuration.TrimOptions = TrimOptions.Trim;
csv.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
csv.Configuration.Delimiter = "|";
csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
csv.Configuration.ShouldSkipRecord = (x) => x[0].StartsWith("HEADER");
csv.Configuration.ShouldSkipRecord = (x) => x[0].StartsWith("TRAILER");
return csv.GetRecords<GsSma>().ToList();
This is throwing an error - I believe due to fact there is a that row before the actual reader row.
Header matching ['Account Id/Margin Id'] names at index 0 was not found.
How can I set this up to read the file correctly?
When setting ShouldSkipRecord
the second time, you're overwriting the first instance. You just need to do this instead.
csv.Configuration.ShouldSkipRecord = row => row[0].StartsWith("HEADER") || row[0].StartsWith("TRAILER");