C++11 cin input validation

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-18 19:09:39


What is the best way in C++11 (ie. using C++11 techniques) to validate cin input? I've read lots of other answers (all involving cin.ignore, cin.clear, etc.), but those methods seem clumsy and result in lots of duplicated code.

Edit: By 'validation', I mean that both well-formed input was provided, and that it satisfies some context-specific predicate.


I'm posting my attempt at a solution as an answer in the hopes that it is useful to somebody else. It is not necessary to specify a predicate, in which case the function will check only for well-formed input. I am, of course, open to suggestions.

//Could use boost's lexical_cast, but that throws an exception on error,
//rather than taking a reference and returning false.
template<class T>
bool lexical_cast(T& result, const std::string &str) {
    std::stringstream s(str);
    return (s >> result && s.rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0);

template<class T, class U>
T promptValidated(const std::string &message, std::function<bool(U)> condition = [](...) { return true; })
    T input;
    std::string buf;
    while (!(std::cout << message, std::getline(std::cin, buf) && lexical_cast<T>(input, buf) && condition(input))) {
            throw std::runtime_error("End of file reached!");
    return input;

Here's an example of its usage:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double num = promptValidated<double, double>("Enter any number: ");
    cout << "The number is " << num << endl << endl;

    int odd = promptValidated<int, int>("Enter an odd number: ", [](int i) { return i % 2 == 1; });
    cout << "The odd number is " << odd << endl << endl;
    return 0;

If there's a better approach, I'm open to suggestions!


If by validation you mean that when you want an int you want to know if an int was really entered, then just put the input in an if condition:

int num;

while (!(std::cin >> num))
    std::cout << "Whatever you entered, it wasn't an integer\n";

std::cout << "You entered the integer " << num << '\n';

