Django - Paginating in Template using multiple GET parameters

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-18 15:36:49


I am using a Django Paginator and I want to have multiple available get parameters, such as: page=1 sort_by=price

However, in my template tags I have:

Showing items sorted by {{ SORT_PARAM }}.
Showing {{ ITEMS_PER_PAGE }} items per page.

{% if has_prev %}
<a href="?page={{ prev_page }}">Previous</a> |
{% endif %}

However, this does not preserve the other GET variables. What I mean is, if I'm viewing


and I click the link in the template fragment above, I will go to


instead of


What I mean is, the a href does not preserve the other GET parameters.

One solution is I could type all the possible GET parameters in the a href, such as

<a href="?page={{ prev_page }}&items_per_page={{ ITEMS_PER_PAGE }}&sort_param={{ SORT_PARAM }}">Previous</a>

but this will become less scalable the more arguments I want to add to my browsing. I'm guessing there should be an automated way to obtain all GET parameters, and then pass those and one more?


You can create a 'parameter-string'. Let's supose that in your code you have:

my_view( request, page, options):
    sort_choices = {P:'price',N:'name', ...}
    n_item_choices = {'S':5, 'L':50, 'XL':100)
    ascending_descending_choices = {'A':'', 'D':'-'}

then you can concatenat options as:

options='P-S-D'  #order by price, 5 items per page, descending order

encode opions as:

<a href="?page={{ prev_page }}&options={{ options }}">Previous</a>

then, in capture options and in view:

my_view( request, page, options):
   ... #choides ....
      optionsArray = options.split('-')
      sort_by = sort_choices[ optionsArray[0]  ]
      n_ites_page = n_item_choices[ optionsArray[1]  ]
      asc_or_desc = ascending_descending_choices[ optionsArray[2]  ]
      somebody is playing ....

with this method you are free to add more paginations options without modify, all you need is to append options at the end of string options . This has advantages but also some dangers: I hope you can identify risks.


This one looks cleaner


With Django's Pagination - preserving the GET params is simple.

First copy the GET params to a variable (in view):

GET_params = request.GET.copy()

and send it to the template in via context dictionary:

return render_to_response(template,
                        {'request': request, 'contact': contact, 'GET_params':GET_params}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

Second thing you need to do is use it specify it in the url calls (href) in the template - an example (extending the basic pagination html to handle extra param condition):

{% if contacts.has_next %}
    {% if GET_params %}
        <a href="?{{GET_params.urlencode}}&amp;page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}">next</a>
    {% else %}
        <a href="?page={{ contacts.next_page_number }}">next</a>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Source - Posted same answer.

