I've attempted to create object storage for a new Watson Studio project, but get the same 'Reseller channel...is invalid' as other comments.
I've tried changing my region from Dallas, to London or Tokyo as one answer suggested, but I get an 'Unexpected response code: 500' message. I can create an object storage, using the manual workaround here: https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/cloud-object-storage
But then how do I select this object storage when I create my new project? I can see the storage in my Resources List, but don't know how to link it to new projects in Watson Studio.
Any ideas?
While creating a new project On Watson Studio, you will see an option under Define Storage to Add a cloud Object Storage service to your project in the project creation page. Once you click Add, you can either use an existing Service as you have now or create a new COS service.
For more details instructions check this section of the solution tutorial