This is a follow up question to my question about Setting the CSS of code if it contains a reserved word.
What I am trying to do: If some code has quotes or double quotes, I want to set the color of the font to red and bold. Ex. System.out.println( "Hello world" );
should set "Hello world" to red.
What's wrong: Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to get my control statements to work properly (at least I think that's the issue). It sets the first double quote and beyond to red, but when I tell it to stop when a word equals anyword" or anyword' it sets the rest of the code in the block to red.
<code id="java">
public static void main(String[] args)<br>
<pre> int i = 120; </pre><br>
<pre> // Displays a message in the console </pre>
<pre> // This is a test </pre>
<pre> System.out.println( "Hello Big World!" );</pre>
font-weight: bold;
color: #E01B1B;
$(document).ready(function() {
var code = $("#java").html(); // Get the code
var split = code.split(' '); // Split up each element
var chkQ = 0; // Check for quotes
var chkC = 0; // Check until end of comment line
// Set the CSS of reserved words, digits, strings, and comments
for (var j = 0; j < split.length; j++) {
// Check to see if chkQ is set to true
if (chkQ == 1) {
// If the element matches (anyword") or (anyword'), then set
// flag to false and continue checking the rest of the code.
// Else, continue setting the CSS to .quotes
if (split[j].match(/."/) || split[j].match(/.'/)) {
split[j] = '<span class="quotes">' + split[j] + '</span>';
chkQ = 0;
} else {
split[j] = '<span class="quotes">' + split[j] + '</span>';
} else if (chkQ == 0 && chkC == 0) {
// If the element matches a ("anyword) or ('anyword)...
} else if (split[j].match(/"./) || split[j].match(/'./)) {
split[j] = '<span class="quotes">' + split[j] + '</span>';
chkQ = 1;
} ...
// Join all the split up elements back together!
$("#java").html(split.join(' '));
Question: Is this just simply an issue with my regex, control blocks or something completely different?
Why split the string up when you can perform a simple global regex find and replace:
<script type="text/javascript">
//cache the element
el = $('#java');
//get the HTML contained within the cached element
code = el.html();
//return the code having executed the replace method, regex explained:
([^\w]{1}) -> look for a single character that is not an alpha character
(["']) -> then look for either a single quote or double quote
(.*?) -> then look any character, but don't be greedy
(\2) -> then look for what was found in the second group - " or '
([^\w]{1}) -> and finally look for a single character that is not an alpha character
code = code.replace(/([^\w]{1})(["'])(.*?)(\2)([^\w]{1})/gm,
//execute an anonymous callback, passing in the result for every match found
function(match, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, offset, original) {
//construct the replacement
str = $1 + '<span class="quotes">' + $2 + $3 + $4 + '</span>' + $5;
//return the replacement
return str;
//replace the existing HTML within the cached element
Edit: Just updated it to accommodate nested quotes.
I don't know all your requirements, but it seems that your single quote could get a bit complicated.
I've set up a demonstration that works (updated link to include nested quotes).
I do not guarantee it is bug free. It does the replacement in two stages, first for double quotes, then for single, trying to weed out potential apostrophes (note in the code below the filters for apostrophes are based off common following letters--not sure how many you might practically need, if any).
$(document).ready(function() {
var code = $("#java").html(); // Get the code
var split = code.split('\"'); // Split up each element at the "
// Set the CSS of reserved words, digits, strings, and comments
for (var j = 0; j < split.length - 1; j++) {
if (j%2 == 0) { //if first, add beginning
split[j] = split[j] + '<span class="quotes">"';
} else {//if second, add ending
split[j] = split[j] + '"</span>';
// Join all the split up elements back together!
code = $("#java").html(); // Get the code
split = code.split('\''); // Split up each element at the '
var openQ = 1;
var sub1;
var sub2;
for (var j = 0; j < split.length - 1; j++) {
sub1 = split[j+1].substr(0,2); //checking for a contraction of 's
sub2 = split[j+1].substr(0,3); //checking for a contraction of 'll
if(sub1 != "s " && sub2 != "ll ") {
if (openQ) { //if first, add beginning
split[j] = split[j] + '<span class="quotes">\'';
openQ = 0;
} else {//if second, add ending
split[j] = split[j] + '\'</span>';
openQ = 1;
else {//add apostrophe back
split[j] = split[j] + '\'';
Here's a pure JavaScript version:
= id of element with quotesclassid
= class to add to the quotes
function quotes(id,classid) {
var code = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
var split = code.split('\"');
for (var j = 0; j < split.length - 1; j++) {
if (j%2 == 0) {
split[j] = split[j] + '<span class='+classid+'>"';
} else {
split[j] = split[j] + '"</span>';
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = split.join("");
code = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
split = code.split('\'');
var openQ = 1;
var sub1;
var sub2;
for (var j = 0; j < split.length - 1; j++) {
sub1 = split[j+1].substr(0,2);
sub2 = split[j+1].substr(0,3);
if(sub1 != "s " && sub2 != "ll ") {
if (openQ) {
split[j] = split[j] + '<span class='+classid+'>\'';
openQ = 0;
} else {
split[j] = split[j] + '\'</span>';
openQ = 1;
else {
split[j] = split[j] + '\'';
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = split.join("");