how to match # character in a url in nginx through location directive

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-16 21:37:00


How do I match a # character in a url using location directive? I understand that we can use regex(PCRE), but their docs say that :

The location directive only tries to match from the first / after the hostname, to just before the first ? or #. (Within that range, it matches the unescaped url.)"

In short, How to match "" using

location ~ [someregex] {
   return 200 "matched";

or with any other alternative


Simple answer, you can't actually, because that part is never sent to the server to begin with, the only way to process this is to use Javascript, using location.hash


You can't because the ID hash isn't actually sent to the server, you might want to use GET variables like if you intend to direct to a certain page or use location.hash if you wish to direct to a location on the page (which is its intended use)

Good luck!

