What's the opposite of var-export function in php?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-02-16 21:27:18


I export a variable to a textarea via "var_export($schools,true)" so user can edit it. Then I want to 'update' the variable with the changes made. The updates is received via POST method.

I have some text that I want to become a variable. How can I do that?

What I do right now is that I edit the variable manually in .php file. I want to give an web interface to users do to the same. There won't be no security issues as this will be strictly inhouse tool only.

Sample of the variable

$schools = array(

    "PHCS"=> array(
        "full_name"=> "Pacific Hills Christian School",
        "version"=> "4.0.2b",
        "etc"=> "etc"

    "WAC"=> array(
        "full_name"=> "Wollondilly Anglican College",
        "version"=> "4.0.1",
        "etc"=> "etc"


You would be looking at using eval() which use of is pretty controversial due to security risks.

I would suggest you use serialize() and unserialize(), or even better, the JSON functions instead.

The JSON encode/decode would be the best option for displaying to the user as it's fairly readable.


Following the advice on php.net, if you plan to change the object you should use serialize and unserialize:

$var = serialize(array('hello'));
// string(22) "a:1:{i:0;s:5:"hello";}"
var_dump( unserialize($var) );

