Mocked unit test raises a “stop called on unstarted patcher” error

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-16 14:45:38


When running the test bellow, I got a stop called on unstarted patcher.

def test_get_subvention_internal_no_triggered_admission(self):
    billing_cluster = BillingClusterFactory()
    subvention = SubventionFactory(billing_cluster=billing_cluster)
    convive_sub = ConviveFactory(subvention=subvention, billing_cluster=billing_cluster)
    order_5 = OrderFactory(beneficiary=convive_sub)
    order_operation_5 = CreationOrderOperationFactory(order=order_5)

    with patch('orders.models.Order.subvention_triggered_same_day', return_value=True):
        with patch('builtins.hasattr', return_value=False):

I read stuff about this error on stack overflow, and concluded that I should avoid mocking the same stuff (stacked mocks). But it's not what I'm doing here. I'm nesting mocks, and it seems to be ok.

If I invert the return values (first mock returns False, second returns True), the test works well.

Any idea? Thanks.


In short, you cannot patch the builtins func hasattr

patch('builtins.hasattr', return_value=False)

reason: used by

if not _is_started(self):
    raise RuntimeError('stop called on unstarted patcher')

def _is_started(patcher):
    # XXXX horrible
    return hasattr(patcher, 'is_local')

to repeat the error:

def test_mock_hasattr(self, mocked_hasattr):
    # as long as it is set to False, it will trigger
    mocked_hasattr.return_value = False

to mock a builtins func inside

# narrow the mock scope

