Hi All I realized just recently when CRA(npx create-react-app myapp) , serviceWorker is missing from src folder and instead I noticed reportWebVitals().Is there some update from React that got ride of serviceWorker and replaced it with reportWebVitals ? Or there it is something I am not doing correctly? pls lmk. thank you
I have the same problem here! I don’t know if I did something wrong. But definitely seems like create-react-app has changed the way that manage service worker.
I found in the create-react-app GitHub this a workaround:
Yes, this is an update after CRAv4 and React 17. Create-React-App’s (CRA) boilerplate now comes set up to record those measurements out of the box. If you want to see the values right now, checkout your index.js and pass console.log into the reportWebVitals function.
In an update, they switched from Service worker to the Workbox InjectManifest plugin and moved the PWA templates into their own repository. For more, you can refer to this release doc https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/releases/tag/v4.0.0