Testing component created using styled component with jest and enzyme

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-02-11 18:16:10


I have a few tags created using styled components lib:


const NoJobs = styled.h1`
    text-align: center;
    No Jobs Found!!!

I want to test this component, below is my test case:


describe('<JobList />', () => {
    let wrapper;

    beforeEach(() => {
        wrapper = shallow(<JobList />);

    it('should show "no data found" when there is no data', () => {
       expect(wrapper.contains(<NoJobs>No Jobs Found!!!</NoJobs>)).toEqual(true);

When I run above test it show: NoJobs is not defined.

Though if I change NoJobs with plan div tag in both component.js and component.test.js, it works fine. How can I test tags created using styled-components?


Quick way

You may export NoJobs like

const NoJobs = styled.h1`...

And that will work. Also you may use find() that may take a displayName string, so you can

const NoJobs = styled.h1`...
NoJobs.displayName = "NoJobs";

and then in test:

expect(wrapper.find('NoJobs').text()).toEqual("No Jobs Found!!!");

Also you can install special babel plugin to handle that automatically.

Systematic approach

But to me most maintainable way is avoid sticking to dislayname/component name at all and use attribute-based selectors:

  <NoJobs data-testid="no-jobs-message">
    No Jobs Found!!!

and later in test

expect(wrapper.find({"data-testid": "no-jobs-message"}).text()).toEqual("No Jobs Found!!!")

