Vue how to get value from sub component

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-11 17:22:14


Here is my use case:

My main page have several sub-components that collect different input from user, finally I want to submit the whole page with all inputs collected. Therefore I want to retrieve the data from sub-component

One option is to use store, but my sub-components are super simple, just some forms, store seems too heavy... Another option is that I can modify prop, although I know this is bad practice, but this approach looks just perfect....

Is it ok to modify prop if my logic is simple?(just collect inputs from user)Or I have to go for Vuex and store


Expanding on excellent answers from Ifaruki and Andres Foronda, another, related option is the use of the sync modifier on the child component's prop.

Suppose the child component has a prop named name. In the parent component, you can use the sync modifier like this:

<Child :name.sync="childName"></Child>

Then, in the child component, when the value of the name prop should be updated, don't update it directly. Instead, emit an event that follows the naming convention for sync-able props, which is update:nameOfProp. So in our example, the child component would do this:

this.$emit('update:name', newName);

The benefit of the sync modifier is that we don't have to write an event handler function in the parent component--Vue does that for us and updates the variable that is bound to the prop automatically.

You can read more details about the sync modifier in the official docs.


Retreiving data from sub component works with $emit here an exapmle:

//parent copmonent

      <child @someEvent="someMethod"></child>

import child from "path/"
export default {
   components: {
   methods: {

Child component

      <button @click="sendEvent">send</button>

export default {
   methods: {
         this.$emit("someEvent", "working");

$emit takes 2 arguments. The first is the event name and the second one is the data that you send. The parent just needs to listen with @ for that event that being fired.


you can listen an event from child an update the parent data property

//parent component
  <input-name @updateName="eventToUpdateName" /> <!--child component-->
data: () => ({ nameFromChild: '' )},
methods: {
  eventToUpdateName(value) {
    this.nameFromChild = value; // Update from child value emitted

And in the child component

// Child component
<input v-model="name" />
data: () => ({ name: '' }),
// watch for changes in the name property and emit an event, and pass the value to the parent
watch: { name() { this.$emit('updateName', } }

Also, You can use a v-model directive and emit 'input' event from child.

//parent component
  <input-name v-model="nameFromChild" /> <!--child component-->
data: () => ({ nameFromChild: '' )}

Now in the child component you can have

// Child component
  <input v-model="name" />
data: () => ({ name: '' }),
props: { value: { type: String, default: '' },
created() { = this.value }, // You can receive a default value
watch: { name() { this.$emit('input', } }

