I am trying to create a Rock, Paper, Scissors for my discord bot in discord.js. I attempted to create on but it currently is not working.
I'd like the emojis to disappear once the reaction has been made and am unsure how to do that.
module.exports = {
name: "rps",
description: "A game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!",
execute(message) {
var rps = ["🗿", "📜", "✂️"]
const m = message.channel.send("Let's play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! Please react what you would like to choose with the emojis below!").then((message) => {
const reacted = promptMessage(m, message.author, 30, rps);
const botChoice = rps[Math.floor(Math.random()*rps.length)];
const result = getResult(reacted, botChoice);
message.channel.send(`You chose ${reacted} and I chose ${botChoice}`);
function getResult(choice, botChosen) {
if(choice === "🗿" && botChoice === "✂️") {
return message.channel.send("You win! I had fun, let's play again!");
} else if (choice === "📜" && botChoice === "🗿") {
return message.channel.send("You win! I had fun, let's play again!");
} else if (choice === "✂️" && botChoice === "📜"){
return message.channel.send("You win! I had fun, let's play again!");
} else if (choice === botChosen) {
return message.channel.send("It's a tie!");
} else {
return message.channel.send("You lost! I had fun, let's play again!");
You can remove all reactions using message.reactions.removeAll()
(note that this requires MANAGE_MESSAGES). I recommend placing this on the line after function getResult(choice, botChosen) {