How to do parallel model training per partition in spark using scala? The solution given here is in Pyspark. I'm looking for solution in scala. How can you efficiently build one ML model per partition in Spark with foreachPartition?
- Get the distinct partitions using partition col
- Create a threadpool of say 100 threads
- create future object for each threads and run
sample code may be as follows-
// Get an ExecutorService
val threadPoolExecutorService = getExecutionContext("name", 100)
// check https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/param/shared/HasParallelism.scala#L50
val uniquePartitionValues: List[String] = ...//getDistingPartitionsUsingPartitionCol
// Asynchronous invocation to training. The result will be collected from the futures.
val uniquePartitionValuesFutures = uniquePartitionValues.map(partitionValue => {
Future[Double] {
try {
// get dataframe where partitionCol=partitionValue
val partitionDF = mainDF.where(s"partitionCol=$partitionValue")
// do preprocessing and training using any algo with an input partitionDF and return accuracy
} catch {
// Wait for metrics to be calculated
val foldMetrics = uniquePartitionValuesFutures.map(Await.result(_, Duration.Inf))
println(s"output::${foldMetrics.mkString(" ### ")}")