This is json
code (https://textsaver.flap.tv/lists/3ic4)
and i am trying
Sub test()
Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim URL As String, ws As Worksheet
Dim json As Object, r, r1 As String
URL = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/quote-equity?symbol=DIVISLAB"
With req
.Open "GET", URL, False
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
r = json("data")(1)("CH_OPENING_PRICE")
r1 = json("data")(1)("CH_CLOSING_PRICE")
End With
Debug.Print r
Debug.Print r1
End Sub
I want to print TEXT underbelow mentioned point. its in picture also highlighted in blue.
It will be more helpful if anyone suggest me any website or book for basic idea about trim text from nested json.
First of all put json("data") in a variable:
set data = json("data")
'maybe you don't need the "set" keyword there, check documentation to your json library
Then iterate the data
For Each dataitem In data
r = dataitem("CH_OPENING_PRICE")
r1 = dataitem ("CH_CLOSING_PRICE")
Debug.Print r
Debug.Print r1