rabbitMQ Configuration file missing

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-11 15:01:32


I am using Rabbitmq 3.7.2 and Erlang 20.2 , and bydefualt RMQ config file missing in following path C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config

based on references following step i took -

1 Created environment variable

RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config

2 Open command prompt as Admin

and run rabbitmq-service.bat remove but its throw the error "C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\config"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

anyone Please guide me what else i have to setup to get config file for RMQ .


There is no need to set that environment variable. Assuming that the vxadmin user installed RabbitMQ, if you'd like to create a config file do the following:

  • Unset the RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable
  • Open the "RabbitMQ Command Prompt (sbin dir)" start menu item
  • Run the following commands:

    .\rabbitmq-service.bat stop

    .\rabbitmq-service.bat remove

  • Create the following file C:\Users\vxadmin\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq.conf containing the configuration you'd like. NOTE: this file is in the "ini-style" format. Please use the correct format - it is well-documented here

  • Run the following commands in the previous shell:

    .\rabbitmq-service.bat install

    .\rabbitmq-service.bat start

NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

