when opening multiple files in vscode, only the first is actually loaded in memory

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-11 14:58:18


For my job i'm frequently opening lists of files from the terminal.

When i do this with vscode, they are opened and all the tabs are there. But only the files i have clicked though and looked at are loaded into memory.

If i were to do a find and replace it would only bring up results from the files i have looked at. It also doesnt tell me how many files are open exactly which would be nice.

These all seem like things other editors do by default.

I was wondering what i have to do to enable this or if any extensions exist to handle it.


It's being worked on to be less 'hacky'.


There is this extension that could maybe work for you:


He used a 'hack' to get it to work: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/15178#issuecomment-283072868

It says he used 'workbench.action.nextEditor' to get it to work but I don't see that, in his code, anymore so he must be using something different now. https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-restore-editors

