IronPython support for Visual Studio debugging like Set Next Statement and Edit-and-Continue

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-11 14:39:33


I'm evaluating IronPython for a project. I'm trying to get it working with typical Windows Visual Studio .NET debugging features:

  • Set Next Statement (move the instruction pointer to another line of code)
  • Edit and Continue (this lets you edit lines of code live. It's useful for eliminating bugs.)

The most basic debug functions seem to work out of the box. (Setting breakpoints, watches, etc.) However, I've struggled to get these 2 features working. Are they supported by IronPython? I tried setting Options->Python->Use Legacy Debugger as some articles suggest but Set Next Statement is still not working in Iron Python (VS2019). (I think the bug fixes refer to standard Python, not IronPython.)

Note: If you're using standard Python (not IronPython) then Set Next Statement is supported and "Edit and Continue" has an open request here:

