Access bim 360 file using design automation

你。 提交于 2021-02-11 14:34:15


Specifying BIM 360 file (dwg or rvt) in Design Automation Workitem.

When create a Design Automation Workitem, how can I specify a dwg or rvt file in BIM 360 as the input? and how can I upload the output file back to BIM 360? I just can't find a good sample of this.

What I've done so far: Specify the Workitem file as in postman sample:

    "activityId": "",
    "arguments": {
        "InputFile": {
            "url": "",
            "verb": "get"
        "OutputFile": {
            "url": "",
            "verb": "put"

This article shows a sample of how to pass resources with a user login link

    "Arguments": {
        "InputArguments": [
                "Resource": "",
                "Name": "HostDwg",
                "Headers": [
                        "Name": "Authorization",
                        "Value": "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
        "OutputArguments": [
                "Name": "Result",
                "HttpVerb": "POST"
    "ActivityId": "PlotToPDF"

Solution: the working Workitem will be similar as the following.

    "activityId": "{{activityId}}",
    "arguments": {
            "url": "{{input guid name}}.dwg",
                    "Authorization": "Bearer {{b360_token}}"
            "verb": "get"
        "OutputFile": {
            "url": "{{output guid name}}.dwg",
                    "Authorization": "Bearer {{b360_token}}"
            "storageProvider": "A360",
            "verb": "put"


You can use BIM360 APIs to obtain the URL of a specific document in your BIM360 project. Here's a tutorial that shows how to do that: You're correct in that you'd need to pass along an access token.

Alternatively, you might want to consider creating a signed URL to download your BIM360 document from. That's handled by the POST buckets/:bucketKey/objects/:objectName/signed endpoint.

