Dagger2: Using CompositeDisposable with Android Paging Library

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2021-02-11 14:18:04


I'm using Dagger2.

I will be injecting CompositeDisposable in ViewModel through @Inject constructor(private val compositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable)

And my screen would also be using Android Pagination library and inside PageKeyedDataSource class I would be adding every network call into compositeDisposable using it's .add(diposable). I also would be adding CompositeDisposable in PageKeyedDataSource constructor through Dagger graph.

Is there any way that CompositeDisposable in ViewModel constructor and PageKeyedDataSource refer to same object so that I can clear all disposables using following construct?

override fun onCleared() {

This is useful for me if some network call is in progress and user hits back button. I would like to dispose all network calls through onCleared() method.

