I'm using Qml 5.12 and basically trying to set an implicitWidth to a GridLayout.
For that, I have a purple rectangle and set the rectangle's width to the GridLayout.
The red rectangle fit with the GridLayout so I can see the width of my GridLayout.
Here's my code:
Rectangle { anchors.fill: gl; color: "red"; opacity: 0.22 }
Rectangle { id: rect; width: 350; height: 30; color: "purple"; }
id: gl
y: 35
implicitWidth: rect.width
columns: 2
Label { text: "This is a test" }
SpinBox { Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight }
If I run the code, I expect to have my both rectangle with the same width. But the actual result is that the red rectangle is smaller. So the implicitWidth was not considerate.
Can anybody tell my why ?
Thank's !
The GridLayout
compute its own implicitWidth
based on its children's implicitWidth
. So the value you set gets overwritten by the computed one.
is the width an Item wants to have (and the one it would have if no width
is explicitely set). Setting it based on something else than its children or some internal value makes little sense.
Here you want the GridLayout to be the exact size of your Rectangle
so just set its width