I am trying to send some message to mft server via REST API, and I'm using MultipartHttpEntityBuilder
to build the message but along with original message some unwanted header and additional data is also getting attached. I found similar issue
MultipartEntityBuilder: Omit Content-Type and Content-Transfer, but it was helpful.
My Code snippet :
HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(MFTSERVER_REST_LINK);
MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);
builder.addBinaryBody("something","<head><content>xyz</content></head>".getBytes(), ContentType.APPLICATION_XML,"fileName");
HttpEntity httpEntity = builder.build();
putRequest.setEntity(httpEntity) ;
Expected content to be written to file :
But, actually written to file :
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="something"; filename="fileName"
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
Can someone help me to solve this issue ?
If you are going to write Byte
data in your post body. Then, you should use ByteArrayEntity
instead of MultipartEntityBuilder
. Because, with doWriteTo method in AbstractMultipartForm
. There is no way you can remove or skip unwanted header to be written to file.
void doWriteTo(
final OutputStream out,
final boolean writeContent) throws IOException {
final ByteArrayBuffer boundary = encode(this.charset, getBoundary());
for (final FormBodyPart part: getBodyParts()) {
writeBytes(TWO_DASHES, out);
writeBytes(boundary, out);
writeBytes(CR_LF, out);
formatMultipartHeader(part, out);
writeBytes(CR_LF, out);
if (writeContent) {
writeBytes(CR_LF, out);
writeBytes(TWO_DASHES, out);
writeBytes(boundary, out);
writeBytes(TWO_DASHES, out);
writeBytes(CR_LF, out);
You could see, the list of elements which ware getting written to outputstream are boundary, header, body and then boundary again in sequence. So, if you wanted to write some content with bytes. Then, you should use ByteArrayEntity
byte[] b = "This is hello".getBytes("UTF-8");
putRequest.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(b));