
How to remove request header from HttpEntity while uploading file

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-11 13:41:35
问题 I am trying to send some message to mft server via REST API, and I'm using MultipartHttpEntityBuilder to build the message but along with original message some unwanted header and additional data is also getting attached. I found similar issue MultipartEntityBuilder: Omit Content-Type and Content-Transfer, but it was helpful. My Code snippet : HttpPut putRequest = new HttpPut(MFTSERVER_REST_LINK); MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setMode(HttpMultipartMode

Sending Request body as json to GET request through httpentity

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-29 07:09:04
问题 Sample Request Body as Json to send through the GET request for external API. Below is sample json need to be added in Request Body to send through GET request to external API: ''' {"nameidentify":["Name-1","Name-2","Name-3"]} ''' 'Assume i am getting values from one API like.. "Name-1","Name-2","Name-3" those values i need to pass to other API through GET request.For example below i am hardcoding the values for reference...' ''' String[] namesArray={"Name-1","Name-2","Name-3"} JSONObject

Upgrading to Spring 5 broke RestTemplate MultipartFile upload

邮差的信 提交于 2020-07-21 05:19:48
问题 I upgraded from Spring 4.3.16 to Spring 5.0.7. When trying to upload a file using the restTemplate I started to get a " 400 - Bad Request ". After messing around the only difference in behavior I noticed was removing requestEntity from the exchange call and the error (bad request) goes away, however it fails because the file is not present to be uploaded. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The client: public <T> ResponseEntity<T> uploadMultipartFile(String requestParamName, byte[]

How to send multipart request using Volley without HttpEntity?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-23 10:17:15
问题 I am following the solution to send multi-part request using volley from How to multipart data using Android Volley. But, since SDK 22, httpentity is deprecated and it's removed completely on SDK 23. The solution is to use openConnection, just like HttpEntity is deprecated on Android now, what's the alternative?, but I don't know how to use it for multi-part request 回答1: I have found a solution for this (based on Multipart/form-data requests in Android: HttpURLConnection vs OkHttp ) Here is


元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-06 04:14:55
最近在做 Android 端文件上传,要求采用 form 表单的方式提交,项目使用的 afinal 框架有文件上传功能,但是始终无法与php写的服务端对接上,无法上传成功。读源码发现:afinal 使用了某大神写的 生成 form 表单内容,然而生成的内容格式不够标准,而且还存在诸多问题,如:首先将所有文件读入到内存,再生成字节流写入到 socket。那么问题来了:如果是几百MB的文件怎么办? 几番搜索,受到 这篇文章 (已被我转载, 但是示例代码已过期 ) 的启发 ,我辗转找到了 Apache 源码 ,在一个示例里面发现了一个重要的组件 MultipartEntityBuilder, 可以生成 form 表单格式的 HttpEntity, 有了 HttpEntity, 无论你是什么 http 框架,应该都可以使用。 不知道怎么使用?like this: HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url); ... final HttpEntity entity = makeMultipartEntity(params, files); httppost.addHeader(entity.getContentType()); //httppost

Working POST Multipart Request with Volley and without HttpEntity

孤人 提交于 2019-11-25 23:20:55
问题 This is not really a question, however, I would like to share some of my working code here for your reference when you need. As we know that HttpEntity is deprecated from API22 and comletely removed since API23. At the moment, we cannot access HttpEntity Reference on Android Developer anymore (404). So, the following is my working sample code for POST Multipart Request with Volley and without HttpEntity . It\'s working, tested with Asp.Net Web API . Of course, the code perhaps is just a basic