Kill Docker container permission denied

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-11 13:27:46


I'm new to Docker and here what I'm trying to do is delete docker container using docker kill command. I'll show below what I have done so far,

Step1: docker run --rm -ti ubuntu sleep 3000
Step2: docker ps Step3: docker kill frosty_bose

Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: quizzical_taussig: Cannot kill container c6379597647089b3e9b251f921ec443d987b0c1b76dfc6d06c704655ecdede8e: unknown error after kill: runc did not terminate sucessfully: container_linux.go:388: signaling init process caused "permission denied"

To solve the problem I have gone through StackOverflow and found this solution which didn't work for me and there is a comment from @AVarf "Be aware, any solution containing apparmor will break snap and all the packages installed via snap and even after that I still have problem with running and killing pods on Kubernetes." So can anyone suggest a safe method for kill the container without having the permission denied error message?

PS: I'm using the Ubuntu18 Operating system and both docker and docker-compose installed using docker official website. (Not using snap package)

