Formula for dependent Drop-down list from table data in Excel

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-02-11 13:03:34


Excel Noob here.

I am trying to create a dropdown list based on a cell value. The data for the dropdown list is in a table called "Data". I want to populate a drop-down box with values based on a column (Status) in the data table. Status Column has 4 values: Open, Closed, Open-Future, Hold. When the Open Status is selected, I would like the dropdown to populate the ticket numbers associated with that status, but I am unable to achieve it.

The drop-down is located in another tab, where the information in the table is presented in a page view format per ticket. Otherwise, when presenting the information, I have to scroll rows and columns when presenting the details of a ticket.

The table structure is as below; Column 1: Ticket No Column 2: Issue Title Column 3: Description Column 4: Status and other columns applicable to the ticket

I tried, conditional drop-down list examples described here but it did not work. My guess is due to the data structure in my table. Unfortunately, I am unable to change the column structure nor use VBA to address the issue and relying on a magic formula.

Hope I explained the issue with relevant details, please let me know if you need further information to derive to a solution. Note: I don't see an easy way to attach the sample document, as it's work computer and restrictions are put around using most of the file-sharing websites. So I have uploaded the screenshot of the spreadsheets refer to attached

Thanks Al Sheik


Suppose you have sorted your Data table by Status, you can insert a helper column as shown below:

The formula in Cell C2 is


where Select_Status is the name I gave to the cell where your primary drop down list sits. In my example it is cell G2.

The logic is to return the row position of the ticket number based on the status you selected.

Next, create a new named range using the following formula. In my example I have named it as FilteredList.


Then you can use this named range in your secondary drop down list:

Here is what you should get:

Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers :)

