Redirecting output of nohup in docker not working

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-11 12:57:20


I have to run a flask application in docker. The application is started when I run (details below) which started the application using nohup command and redirects the output to a logfile.

This is running fine in normal Linux system (without docker), but when I run this inside a docker container, the log file does not show any output. In the docker container, the log file is generated with size 0 and the log output is dumped in nohup.out file.

I am not sure why the output is redirected to nohup.out instead of the specified logfile, while it is working fine in my current Linux setup.

nohup uwsgi --ini /home/myuser/myapp/play.ini &>> /home/myuser/myapp/logs/play.nohup.out &


#Download base image ubuntu 16.04
FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y git-core
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
RUN apt-get install -y python

# get application code and install python packages
RUN git clone <..git directory...> /home/myuser/myapp
RUN pip install -r /home/myuser/myapp/requirements.txt

# Setup nginx
RUN cp /home/myuser/myapp/myapp.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/myapp.conf

CMD sleep 600


I faced similar issue using cron commands, the issue I found is that the command was ran with shell, but shell does not support &>> as it is a bash feature.

I was able to overcome that using a command with the following synthax:

command >> logfile.log 2>&1

You could find more informtion on this link


You generally don’t use nohup in Docker at all. Usually you want to set things up so that your container runs its main job as a foreground process. (There’s not really much point in installing a bunch of stuff in an image, and then have it sit idle for 10 minutes and then exit.)

You should change the last line of your Dockerfile to

CMD uwsgi --ini /home/myuser/myapp/play.ini

If you docker run the resulting image without the -d flag, it will print its output to stdout; if you do use -d, you can retrieve it later using docker logs.

