I was working on my project, here I got this error while inserting some values in a row:
ERROR at line 1: ORA-04091: table SYSTEM.PRODUCTS is mutating, trigger/function may not see it ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.PROD_TOTAL", line 2 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SYSTEM.PROD_TOTAL'
This is my insert statement:
insert into products
values (1, 1001, 'Medical', 20, 4, 1, 1, 1);
table :
create table Products
ProdId number primary key,
ProdNum number not null unique,
ProdType varchar2(15),
ProdPrice int,
ProdQuantity int,
ProdCustId int references Customers,
ProdOrdId int references Orders,
ProdStoreId int references Stores
Trigger code:
create trigger PROD_TOTAL
after insert ON Products
for each row
update Payments
set ProdTotal = (select Products.ProdPrice * Products.ProdQuantity from Products);
And finally my Payment
create table Payments
PayId int primary key,
PayDate date,
ProdTotal int,
FinalTotal int,
PayOrdId int references orders,
PayProdId int references Products,
PayCustId int references Customers
I don't know why I am getting this error, please help me in solving this issue...
A statement level trigger (i.e. without FOR EACH ROW
clause) will update always all records in Payments table, I don't think that's needed. For an update of only related products, use this trigger:
create trigger PROD_TOTAL
after insert ON Products
for each row
update Payments
set ProdTotal = :new.ProdPrice * :new.ProdQuantity
WHERE PayProdId = :new.ProdId ;