I have created a webapp in Azure and deployed few webapi 2 services. It is not a cloud service. No web and worker roles involved. No public domain name is attached to it. Also I don't want to use the default Microsoft certificate. Is it possible to install a self signed certificate to that webapp to enable https?
Yes it is possible, you can use a "cloudapp.net" domain for this, but only for test purposes as Microsoft documentation explains:
For test purposes, you can create and use a self-signed certificate. A self-signed certificate is not authenticated through a CA and can use the cloudapp.net domain as the website URL. For example, the task below uses a self-signed certificate in which the common name (CN) used in the certificate is sslexample.cloudapp.net.
reference: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-configure-ssl-certificate/